I waited patiently for this particular night to arrive. I bought my ticket three months in advance and stored that little ticket in a safe place. I contemplated what I would wear and charged my camera battery twice...just in case. I even made sure I had nothing else planned for this day so I wouldn't be late (I was late anyway, of course). Finally, the day arrived. The day of The Fix.
Jasmine Star was there with her fabulous smile and brilliant knowledge of running a photography business. She not only made us laugh and cry, she made us LEARN. She answered our questions, calmed our fears and pushed us to be better.
After two glasses of wine, catching up with friends and making new friends, I left feeling inspired and motivated. Thanks Jasmine :)
Reunited and it feels so good!
Excerpt from Exposed
Hooray! So great to see you & so glad you got a pic! XO